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Another Year for the Books.


On July 28th 2021 we were able to travel to Guatemala and open our community kitchen in a village named El Oasis.

Thank you, yes YOU! For you support and prayers. Keep them coming! 2022 is going to be filled with more stories of needs being met, both physically and spiritually though your generosity. We are praying for you also, praying that every dollar you give is given back to you multiplied!

Let’s celebrate all God did in 2020!


On September 7th, 2020 we broke ground and launched “Building Hope for Tomorrow”campaign


From April-August 2020 we went door to door and heard many stories of extreme famine and even death. We once even helped buried a little girl who had passed from malnutrion. We knew we had to do more.

Our prayer was and always had been for God to show us what’s next. In August, we were gifted a piece of land in a village called “El Oasis” that is in the epicenter of extreme poverty and shortly after received the vision to build what would become a community kitchen. We knew this was our answer to prayer.

Our Community Kitchen will become a place where people can come daily and have a hot meal and community. Our hope is to begin with breakfast (one meal a day) six days a week (closed on Sunday). We believe when you nourish a community physically and spiritually, people will begin to thrive!

We need $3,500 to complete this project by June 2021 & ongoing will need $500 monthly to feed the community and pay workers. Yes! we are also creating jobs.

Photo Sep 15, 9 20 41 AM.jpg

Photo taken on september 15th.


Join our Mission in 2021 by Donating TODAY!
