White Flags Raised on Homes in Guatemala
People in Guatemala are starving and desperate for help. They have begun putting a “white flag” outside their homes in hopes of signaling for help.
We are raising funds to provide food for 120 families in need.
$25 feeds a small family for a little over a month.
Villages in Guatemala are in Dire Need - Consider Helping a Family
June 12, 2020
We received a call yesterday from our friend Edwin who lives in Guatemala. We met Edwin three years ago when he worked as a translator with the organization we stay with. Edwin and his family, to this day, live in extreme poverty in a village called Esperanza Nueva. No matter his circumstance, Edwin is always looking to help the people around him. Edwin is a leader in his village, and God always seems to be using him to help not only his village but surrounding villages. If you go to our website www.footstepsofhope.org, you can see photos of his village. We will be posting a video of his story in the weeks to come.
So, Edwin called to share how dire the situation is in his village and the surrounding villages. People have begun putting out a “white flag” outside their homes in hopes of signaling for help. Edwin also shared that every Wednesday he has been meeting with the Pastors of two surrounding villages. The villages names are La Cruce and Oasis. (La Cruce is very near to our heart because it was where we did our first donation. See donation photo gallery on our site). Edwin meets with these Pastors weekly to assess the needs of their communities and share resources. Edwin and the Pastors have received some donations and have gone to purchase food supplies for families, and they are asking for our help.
Edwin said “$25 USD for a family right now is like gold,” he continued to share that “$25 USD is enough to feed a small family for a little over a month” Will you consider donating?
How will this work? We at Footsteps of Hope are committed to sharing the gospel, and providing resource in a practical way. As you know, we usually purchase shoes with your donation, but during this time we will take all donations received from June 13, 2020 until TBD and use 100% of funds to provide food to three villages that are in dire need. Please consider joining us. We have coordinated with Edwin, and he and the Pastors will purchase the food for the families, and Edwin said the only cash they will give out is $5 to the women for any feminine products or items for children they may need. Edwin will provide photos upon delivery of our donations.
Please consider helping a family.
If you have any questions, please email Jennifer@footstepsofhope.org